Screw the EXAMS!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
OH MAN! I'm so gonna do BADLY for the exams today! It was %^$#^%$$ difficult...sigh...

But session today was DOPE!haha!very fun!some new peeps joined us today!seems like the session

group is gonna keep on expanding!woo!the after session tau huey was good too!

Realise through today's session that i actually have alot of basics to works on!looks like its a

back-to-basics training for me!won't mind though cuz im gonna be more dope after it!HAHAH!

Really looking for ward to the competition that Ovation Crew is gonna join! Hope all of us improve

through this dance comp! =)

all right!thats it for the night!am tired and the bed seems to be calling out to me!

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